Research opportunities with the Fuxjager Lab
I am always interested in taking on postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates who are strong, independent workers with a clear vision of their research goals. The lab seeks to foster a workspace in which everyone has a seat at the table and contributes to a positive and productive environment. If you are interested in joining us, please follow the links below for more information about each opportunity.
Postdoctoral trainees
The Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology at Brown is an excellent place to complete postdoctoral training, with a wealth of opportunities and resources at your disposal. I am always keen to speak directly with individuals who are interested in pursuing postdoctoral work in my lab. If you feel that our research interests align, please contact me to discuss funding opportunities further.
prospective graduate students
I always accept applicants for graduate student positions in my lab (PhD only). Our group is broadly interested in the evolution of behavior, particularly as it relates to socio-sexual interactions that free-living animals experience. Our work is highly integrative, often combining field research across the Americas and Asia with studies of neurobiology, physiology, genomics, and macroevolution.
Successful applicants are guaranteed funding through research assistantships (5 years PhD). The Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology at Brown is made of a diverse and vibrant research community, with specialties in the areas of organismal biology. The opportunities for collaboration are endless.
Interested applicants should contact the lab PI, Matt Fuxjager, directly by email (matthew_fuxjager @ Include a copy of your CV, as well as detailed statement that specifically outlines the research questions you’d like to pursue for your graduate work.
undergraduate research
Undergraduates are a core part of my lab's research program, and there are opportunities to gain both valuable skills and credit from working in our lab!