Nicole Moody

Ph.D Candidate, Blavatnik Family Fellow, & American Association of Anatomy predoctoral fellow

Nicole's research takes an integrative approach to understanding animal communication, particularly in the context of territoriality. Their work focuses specifically on the evolution and function of territorial strategies, as well as how the brain produces and processes these dynamic forms of behavior. Most of Nicole’s work to date centers around woodpeckers.


M.S., Tulane University
B.S., Tulane University


Moody, N.M., William, C., Ramachandran, S. and Fuxjager, M.J. (in press). Social mates dynamically coordinate aggressive behavior to produce strategic territorial defense. PLoS Computational Biology.

Fuxjager, M.J., Ryder, T.B., Moody, N.M., Alfonso, C., Balakrishnan, C.N., Barske, J., Bosholn, M., Boyle, W.A., Braun, E.L., Chiver, I., Dakin, R., Day, L.B., Driver, R., Fusani, L., Horton, B., Kimball, R.T., Lipshutz, S., Mello, C., Miller, E., Webster, M., Wirthlin, M., Wollman, R., Moore, I.T., and Schlinger, B.A. 2023. Systems biology as a framework to understand the physiology of behavior—from concepts to a case study in birds. Hormones and Behavior. 151: 105340.

Welklin, J.F., Lantz, S.M., Khalil, S., Moody, N.M., Karubian, J., and Webster, M.S. (2022). Photoperiod and rainfall are associated with seasonal shifts in social structure in a songbird. Behavioral Ecology. 34: 136–149.

Moody, N.M., Vivlamore, E. and Fuxjager, M.J. (2022). Woodpecker drum evolution: an analysis of covariation in elements of a multicomponent acoustic display among and within species. Evolution. 76: 1469-1480.

Welklin JF, Lantz SM, Khalil S, Moody NM, Karubian J, & Webster MS. (2021). Social and abiotic factors differentially affect plumage ornamentation of young and old males in an Australian songbird. Animal Behaviour, 182, 173-188.

Sommer, N.R.*, Moody, N.M.*, Lantz, S.M., Leu, M., Karubian, J., and Swaddle, J.P. 2018. Red‐backed fairywrens adjust habitat use in response to dry season fires. Austral Ecology. 43(8): 876-889. *Indicates joint first authors.

Moody, N. 2014. Effects of G-protein-coupled receptor 30 agonist G-1 on spatial memory in adult female rats. Tulane Undergraduate Research Journal. 1: 19-31.

Hawley, W.R., Grissom, E.M., Moody, N.M., Dohanich, G.P., and Vasudevan, N. 2014. Activation of G-protein-coupled receptor 30 is sufficient to enhance spatial recognition memory in ovariectomized rats. Behavioral Brain Research. 262: 68-73.